Thu.May 23, 2024

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Possibilities at the Edge: Putting Intelligence Where your Data is


The major technology trend of the past decade has been mass migration to the cloud. The economies of scale and breadth of online services have meant that organizations of all sizes have adopted cloud services for a variety of IT functions, to such an extent that modern approaches to building and running applications are now described as “cloud native.

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Business Crisis Management 101: From Panic to Recovery


For businesses, crisis management is critical for corporate resilience and longevity. The difference between thriving and merely surviving, or even facing closure, often hinges on your company’s ability to manage crises effectively. Whether you’re facing a personnel crisis, navigating a financial crisis, or dealing with technological mishaps, you must equip yourself with robust strategies for managing unexpected challenges.


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US lawmakers advance bill to close loopholes in AI export controls


The House Foreign Affairs Committee has advanced a bill that would enhance the White House’s ability to regulate the export of AI systems, amid ongoing efforts to tighten grip on key technologies. “The US-China Economic and Security Review Commission reported last year that China is using commercial AI advancements to prepare for military conflict with Taiwan,” bill co-author and House Representative Michael McCaul said in a statement.

Startups 741
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How a Neuro-Symbolic AI Approach Can Improve Trust in AI Apps


As a cognitive scientist, I’ve been immersed in AI for more than 30 years – specifically in speech and natural language understanding, as well as machine-based learning and rule-based decision-making. Progress in our field is always uneven, unfolding in fits and starts. Those of us in the AI field have witnessed multiple “AI winters” over the […] The post How a Neuro-Symbolic AI Approach Can Improve Trust in AI Apps appeared first on DATAVERSITY.

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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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From IT leader to tech spinoff CEO: How to win a CIO-plus role


Early in his career, Andrew Brock was told by a mentor that, to reach the C-suite, you have to take assignments across the various drivers of a P&L: marketing, operations, information technology, and so on. At the time, Brock had held finance-related roles of increasing responsibility at household brands such as Kraft and PepsiCo at the time, and the advice piqued in Brock a curiosity that has since marked his career.

Win 662

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Insights from Middle Eastern CIOs: AI’s transformative impact on healthcare


In recent years, the healthcare industry has undergone a remarkable transformation propelled by technological advancements, reshaping the landscape of patient care and medical practices. Tech leaders within this sector have been at the forefront of this revolution, spearheading innovations that have catalyzed unprecedented growth and progress. From the adoption of electronic health records (EHR) to the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in diagnostics and treatment planning, technology

Algorithm 641
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The Role of Intelligence in Disaster Response and Management


SCIP Insights The Role of Intelligence in Disaster Response and Management In our ever-changing world, natural disasters are an unfortunate reality. Floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and wildfires can strike with little warning, causing widespread destruction and loss of life. In the face of such disasters, intelligence plays a critical role in response and management, including human expertise, efficient coordination, and the utilization of available resources.

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Getinge’s digital transformation shows scaling and adapting in equal measure


When Getinge started 120 years ago, the main focus was agricultural machinery, but that shifted in the 1930s to medical technology, which is what the globally recognized company is known for today. More recently, products have become increasingly digital, with software that manages patient flows, tools for surgery planning, and sterile management processes that optimize inventory and ensure that surgical instruments are delivered at the right time to the right place.

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Boost Your Sales Strategy with our Effective Battle Cards Workshop


TRAINING & CERTIFICATION COMPETITIVE SALES BATTLE CARDS: Analysis-Based Approaches to Drive Effective Results June 11, 13, 18, 20, 2024 10:00 AM-02:00 PM (ET each day) WORKSHOP OFFERINGS! This workshop is your chance to: Learn critical analysis techniques that are the foundation of every battle card. Optimize the business process that creates, measures and updates battle cards.

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7 Strategies to Gather (and Actually Use) Competitive Intel from Employees

Leaders in competitive intel know that the employees who interact with customers and prospects every day hold valuable competitive insights that could help win sales. But they don’t have a good plan or system to gather, organize, and share these insights with the stakeholders who need them. In this eBook, we outline 7 strategies to make it easier to build and scale an employee sharing program that will drive competitive advantage.

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Unlocking AI: Machine learning as a service


Once upon a time, the data that most businesses had to work with was mostly structured and small in size. This meant that it was relatively easy for it to be analyzed using simple business intelligence (BI) tools. Today, this is no longer the case. Much of the data that organizations are mining is unstructured or semi-structured, and the trend is growing such that more than 80% of corporate data is expected to be unstructured by 2020 [1].

Learning 587
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Rising Office Vacancy Rates: The End of In-Person Jobs?

Alpha Sense BI

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic and its wide-reaching impact left nearly everyone questioning what the future held. Would hospitals be able to manage the ever-increasing influx of COVID-related cases? How could companies avoid filing Chapter 11 with stay-at-home orders in place? More importantly, when would a vaccine be engineered to combat this deadly virus?

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Los CIO, en busca del retorno de inversión de la IA


La complejidad para estimar o demostrar el valor de las tecnologías de IA para el negocio han sido o serán una de las principales barreras para su implementación , según una encuesta reciente de Gartner a más de 700 líderes de TI en organizaciones que han adoptado o planean adoptar la IA, y en la que se puso de manifiesto que casi la mitad de los entrevistados reconocieron tener dificultades al respecto.

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The Ultimate Semrush vs SpyFu Showdown: Which Tool Reigns Supreme for SEO in 2024?


In today's fiercely competitive digital landscape, search engine optimization (SEO) is no longer a luxury but a necessity. With the right SEO tools in your arsenal, you can outrank competitors, drive targeted traffic, and skyrocket your online success. Two heavyweight contenders in this arena are Semrush and SpyFu. But which one deserves your hard-earned dollars?

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What Regulations Will Impact Sustainability Comms in 2024?

Navigating the waters of sustainability reporting disclosures and regulations can be intimidating, to say the least. With various measures set in motion in 2023 to keep companies accountable, there is a lot in store for brands’ impact communication in the upcoming year. 3BL is kicking off this January with our Navigating ESG Comms Through the Cosmos - Capricorn Edition by highlighting the impact of: The U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Climate disclosure rules The European Commission

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¿Dónde está el retorno de la inversión en IA? Los CIO luchan por encontrarlo


Encontrar el retorno de la inversión en materia de inteligencia artificial (IA) sigue siendo difícil de alcanzar para muchas organizaciones, incluso cuando se apresuran a adoptar la tecnología. Las dificultades para estimar o demostrar el valor de las tecnologías de IA para el negocio han sido o serán una de las principales barreras para su implementación , según una encuesta reciente de Gartner a más de 700 líderes de TI en organizaciones que han adoptado o planean adoptar la IA.

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MongoDB Is Positioning as the Standard Platform for Next-generation Apps


At our first MongoDB, Inc. event, MongoDB.local, TBR was able to learn firsthand about MongoDB’s evolution from an operational database to a developer platform for modern apps. The keynote, breakout sessions, executive Q&A and customer stories reinforced the value of MongoDB’s widely accepted document architecture, which is already powering many enterprise applications today and will propel MongoDB in its efforts to build new developer capabilities and cutting-edge applications.

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10 most powerful ERP vendors today


Back-office ERP systems are gaining strategic importance as organizations seek to digitize and automate business processes, modernize their application stack, migrate to the cloud, and accelerate the speed of business. In its latest MarketScape on worldwide SaaS and cloud-enabled large enterprise ERP, IDC says, “The pace of innovation is increasing, and ERP vendors focused on AI, ML, natural language processing (NLP), chatbots, robotics process automation (RPA), and genAI are critical partners t

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