Mon.Feb 19, 2024

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IT leaders turn to HBCUs for future IT talent


Officials at the North Carolina Department of Information Technology found themselves in a position familiar to most IT organizations: aware of the need to do more to attract IT workers given that they — like most employers — faced fierce competition for talent. They also believed they needed to take more responsibility for increasing the diversity of workers in their IT ranks.

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The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Data Security

Smart Data Collective

The power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been proven unmatched in recent years. It is no longer a subject of our imagination. AI has become a reality, and it is becoming clearer by the day that it can change the world for the better. But can artificial intelligence help us in enhancing data security?

Security 238

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Build trust to win out with genAI


Over the past 12 months, generative AI has generated fervor and fear in almost equal measure. We’ve all marveled at the tech’s ability to pass bar exams or create award winning photography. But that level of ingenuity is deeply unsettling for many consumers, who perhaps prefer to know that the humans are still at the wheel. This presents a conundrum for many of today’s business leaders.

Win 809
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Data Recovery Services Are Crucial in the Big Data Era

Smart Data Collective

In a world increasingly reliant on data analytics for decision-making and strategic planning, the importance of data recovery cannot be overstated. Data loss or corruption can have severe consequences, disrupting business operations, compromising valuable insights, and potentially leading to financial losses or reputational damage.

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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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La convergenza tra IT e business: ecco come i CIO reinterpretano il loro ruolo con l’aiuto dell’IA


Analisi dei dati, addestramento dei nuovi modelli di intelligenza artificiale , sviluppo software, ammodernamento dei sistemi legacy, partecipazione alla definizione del budget, dialogo con le funzioni di business, relazione con i fornitori: i compiti del CIO si moltiplicano ogni giorno di più. Non è una sorpresa: mentre le aziende si digitalizzano, la tecnologia si integra in ogni attività, e il Chief Information Officer è sempre più coinvolto nella creazione di valore basata sui dati e l’IA.

Business 617

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ITリーダーはメッセージを受け取っている: 仕事を成功させるために必要なのは、技術的なスキルだけではない。仕事を成功させるには、技術的なスキルだけでなく、一般的なビジネス感覚、業界知識、会計の才能も必要だ。マーケティング、オペレーション、サイバーセキュリティ、その他の機能分野での専門知識も重要だ。 近年、ベテランCIOやエグゼクティブ・アドバイザー、経営コンサルタントからは、このようなメッセージが聞かれる。 しかし、このようなアドバイスは、CIOがIT部門を成功裏に管理するために必要なこと、つまりオペレーショナル・エクセレンスを実現し、主要な業績要件を満たすために必要なことだけを語っている。真に際立った存在となるためには、他のトップ・エグゼクティブと同様、優れたCIOもまた、指導者としての心得を備えていなければならない。

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How to Develop an Optimized Ecommerce Product Video that Actually Generates Sales


Regardless of your company’s niche, ecommerce product videos have proven to be exceptionally reliable assets to get your target audience on board with what you have to offer. Whether you need to communicate key features, showcase important differentiators, or make people smile when thinking about your brand, optimized product videos are game changers to most marketing pushes.

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Unveiling the Power of Dark Data in Strategic Decision-Making


If you’ve never heard of dark data, you’re not alone. Setting aside the ominous name, dark data isn’t something that is inherently bad – although, in practice, it usually does end up this way.

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Competitive Landscape Shifts: How TEMU is Challenging SHEIN’s Dominance


TEMU vs. SHEIN: 2023 Share of Voice Analysis by Category In the dynamic world of online shopping, TEMU is emerging as a formidable competitor to SHEIN, signaling a potential shift in consumer preferences. Throughout 2023, SHEIN maintained an average Share of Voice (SOV) of 1.01% across all categories, while TEMU surpassed this with an average SOV of 1.8%.

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7 Strategies to Gather (and Actually Use) Competitive Intel from Employees

Leaders in competitive intel know that the employees who interact with customers and prospects every day hold valuable competitive insights that could help win sales. But they don’t have a good plan or system to gather, organize, and share these insights with the stakeholders who need them. In this eBook, we outline 7 strategies to make it easier to build and scale an employee sharing program that will drive competitive advantage.

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AI in e-commerce: Examples and best practices


Ever since The Terminator was released back in 1984, there’s been slight apprehension surrounding artificial intelligence (AI). But it’s been a part of our lives for years, whether we’ve realized or not. Now AI is becoming increasingly common in the world of e-commerce. And you know what, John Connor hasn’t come back to warn us against it.

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Talk to This Expert: One Click for Personalized Expert Calls through AlphaSense

Alpha Sense BI

When reading expert transcripts in the AlphaSense library, you may often find yourself captivated with valuable insights that spark critical questions. But wouldn’t it be incredible to connect directly with the expert, delve deeper into their perspective, and unlock personalized insights beyond the transcript? Enter “Talk to This Expert,” a user-friendly feature available in the AlphaSense expert transcript library.