Mon.May 13, 2024

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IBM’s watsonx.governance takes aim at AI auditing


IBM is betting big on its toolkit for monitoring generative AI and machine learning models, dubbed watsonx.governance , to take on rivals and position the offering as a top AI governance product, according to a senior executive at IBM. The toolkit, released as part of IBM’s watsonx generative AI platform last May, is uniquely differentiated by its audit trail capability, said Heather Gentile, director of product management at IBM’s data and AI software division.

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Top 5 CrowdTangle alternatives


Over the years, Crowdtangle gained popularity for its combination of data aggregation, real-time monitoring, customizable alerts, and comprehensive analytics. Its seamless integration with Facebook made it a valuable tool for social media professionals and researchers. Unfortunately, after years of uncertainty about the platform’s future, Meta’s recent announcement that it will shut down after August 14, 2024, has left countless users searching for alternatives.

Gaming 130

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Inteligencia artificial aplicada a la agricultura para combatir la crisis hídrica


En un escenario en el que la reserva hídrica española se encuentra críticamente baja, con tan solo un 54,7% de su capacidad total a inicios de marzo, el proyecto AgrarIA emerge como un rayo de esperanza para el sector agroalimentario. La iniciativa, financiada a través del programa Misiones de I+D en Inteligencia Artificial (IA) impulsado por la Secretaría de Estado de Digitalización e IA (SEDIA), tiene como objetivo la aplicación de tecnologías avanzadas para desarrollar métodos de producción a

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How a global food company used due diligence for a potential partnership


Due Diligence for a Potential Partnership “ This is all great. Thank you so much to the entire team for the work done on this.” – Senior Vice President, Category Business Units Fuld & Company helped a leading global food company successfully evaluate the feasibility of a partnership with a California-based food & beverage manufacturer which had suffered a major product recall in 2022.

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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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Seresco se apoya en la IA para mejorar los servicios de producción cartográfica


Seresco ha puesto punto y final a su proyecto de investigación y desarrollo para la mejora de los servicios de producción cartográfica con éxito. Para ello ha aplicado técnicas de inteligencia artificial (IA) sobre imágenes de territorio, áreas y satelitales de alta resolución, lo que le ha permitido interpretar de forma rápida y precisa la evolución y características de una determinada zona geográfica.

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Endesa conjuga IA y 5G para robustecer la seguridad de los trabajadores


Endesa ha probado el uso de la tecnología 5G combinada con la inteligencia artificial (IA) para mejorar la seguridad de los trabajadores durante las tareas de mantenimiento de las infraestructuras de la red de distribución. La filial de redes de Endesa, E-distribución, ha desplegado una red privada 5G en la subestación Ecogarraf en Barcelona en el marco del proyecto europeo Smart5Grid ( Demonstration of 5G solutions for SMART energy GRIDs of the future ).

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Ask a Data Ethicist: What Happens When Language Becomes Data?


At a recent presentation for a local post-secondary institution, I fielded a number of questions related to the use of language, primarily English language texts, as training data for generative AI. There were questions around cultural impacts and related ethical concerns. These queries were more nuanced than the usual ones I get around copyright or […] The post Ask a Data Ethicist: What Happens When Language Becomes Data?

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Donne e IT: perché nella tecnologia esiste un gender gap e come superarlo


“Una donna sarà adatta?”. Questa la domanda che si è sentita rivolgere, alcuni anni fa, Barbara Marmello, quando l’IT Director di gruppo (un’azienda con sede negli Stati Uniti) l’aveva selezionata per il ruolo di IT Manager della filiale italiana. Questa filiale era frutto di un’acquisizione di una società italiana e la precedente proprietà aveva espresso il suo scetticismo di fronte alla scelta dei proprietari americani.

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Supercharge Your Industry Analysis – Financial Services

Alpha Sense BI

A key advantage for AlphaSense users within the investment space is the ability to quickly get up to speed on a new industry or understand the impact of an event within a known industry. Pinpointing quick and accurate insights to gain a first mover advantage is critical to investment recommendations or realigning a portfolio. When it comes to swiftly performing top-down research, such as an industry analysis, here are three unique ways that you can leverage AlphaSense: #1 Uncovering Industry Tre

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7 Strategies to Gather (and Actually Use) Competitive Intel from Employees

Leaders in competitive intel know that the employees who interact with customers and prospects every day hold valuable competitive insights that could help win sales. But they don’t have a good plan or system to gather, organize, and share these insights with the stakeholders who need them. In this eBook, we outline 7 strategies to make it easier to build and scale an employee sharing program that will drive competitive advantage.

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“La transformación digital ha sido un renacimiento para la industria de la moda”


Porte y personalidad, estilo propio y conocimiento de causa. Resulta prácticamente imposible no recalar en su figura; y es que Coro Saldaña , senior fasion & retail business executive, es de esas personas que, sin un gran esfuerzo aparente, producen un impacto significativo en los demás. Quizás sea su carisma, la forma en la que narra los conocimientos adquiridos tras más de dos décadas dedicadas en cuerpo y alma al sector de la moda o el expertise atesorado a lo largo de catorce años en el

Retail 134
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Expert Insights: The Future of Edge AI

Alpha Sense BI

Over the past two years, conversations around artificial intelligence (AI) applications have primarily centered around data center computing. In its next iteration, AI traffic is likely to move to the edge. AI at the edge refers to the implementation of AI close to where the data is collected, such as a PC, auto, industrial equipment, mobile phone, or other consumer-driven device.

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CEOs’ top priorities for IT leaders today


Lawrence Bilker can easily articulate the business values that his IT initiatives should deliver: better experiences for both employees and customers, more insights from data to enable smarter decision-making, and more intelligence for improved operations. Overall, IT projects are meant to create a leaner, more profitable company, says Bilker, CIO of manufacturer Lift Solutions Holding.

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Expert Insights: The Future of Edge AI

Alpha Sense BI

Over the past two years, conversations around artificial intelligence (AI) applications have primarily centered around data center computing. In its next iteration, AI traffic is likely to move to the edge. AI at the edge refers to the implementation of AI close to where the data is collected, such as a PC, auto, industrial equipment, mobile phone, or other consumer-driven device.

Matrix 52
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What Regulations Will Impact Sustainability Comms in 2024?

Navigating the waters of sustainability reporting disclosures and regulations can be intimidating, to say the least. With various measures set in motion in 2023 to keep companies accountable, there is a lot in store for brands’ impact communication in the upcoming year. 3BL is kicking off this January with our Navigating ESG Comms Through the Cosmos - Capricorn Edition by highlighting the impact of: The U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Climate disclosure rules The European Commission

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New BusinessObjects Feature Can Save You a Boat Load of Money


I travel a lot and so I belong to a lot of frequent traveler programs. Through flights, hotels, car rentals, trains, restaurants and Starbucks, I collect a lot of miles, points and stars that save my company money and provide extra perks like upgrades and priority status. Best of all, they don’t cost anything to belong. I realize you have to sign up for these programs and remember to use them but once you get into the habit, it becomes second nature.

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