Top 10 questions in competitor research for sales teams

In almost every competitive intelligence project, sales is an important focus. What is the competitor doing to succeed in sales? What is their messaging? How do they price proposals? Most companies want to know many of the same questions about their competitors. Across the hundreds of research projects that we have conducted, these are the top ten questions about competitors’ sales activities that our customers want answered.

  1. Who are the competitor’s customers?

  2. How much does the competitor charge for their product?

  3. What else goes into pricing - such as discounts and the cost of implementation services?

  4. What is the competitor’s sales pitch?

  5. What services are offered for implementation, customer success and support?

  6. How is the sales team organized e.g. by geography, product, customer size or industry?

  7. How many employees work in sales?

  8. What is in the competitor’s sales demo?

  9. How customized is the competitor’s sales process?

  10. What does the competitor’s sales process focus on e.g. features, use cases, benefits?


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Top 10 questions in competitor research