26 competitive intelligence companies (updated)

It has been too long since we updated our list of competitive intelligence companies. These are companies, mainly in the US and Europe, for whom competitive intelligence is their main or only focus. So, not companies like McKinsey that undoubtedly analyze competitors but not as their main activity. And not companies that provide competitor research for SEO - this is an important sector but a different type of competitive intelligence that is less relevant to us (and many of them are tools rather than consultants, although they may do both for enterprise clients). The companies below are our peers (our own competitors, gasp!) and deliver primary or secondary competitor analysis for their clients (usually both).

competitive intelligence companies

Here is our latest list of competitive intelligence consultants, from the US, Europe and further afield. The list is broadly similar to our previous version, although there have been some acquisitions and some closures. If we have missed anyone out, please tweet @aquteintel

  1. Affinis, France

  2. AIM, US

  3. Aqute Intelligence, US (this is us, woohoo!)

  4. Aurora WDC, US

  5. AWARE, UK

  6. Cognosis, UK

  7. Competia, Canada/Switzerland

  8. Deallus, UK

  9. Die Denkfabrik, Germany

  10. Fletcher/CSI, US, UK

  11. Fuld & Co, US, UK, Philippines

  12. Global Intelligence Alliance, Finland, global offices

  13. I-Intelligence, Switzerland

  14. Info+Daten, Germany

  15. Inovis, US

  16. Intelligentsia, UK HQ, global offices

  17. Ivy, Switzerland

  18. MindShifts, Australia

  19. Octopus Intelligence, UK

  20. Tyson Heinz, US

  21. Proactive Worldwide, US/China

  22. Rauch Associates, US, UK

  23. RivalScape, US

  24. Sedulo, US

  25. Sharp Market, US

  26. The Business Intelligence Source, US

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15 competitive intelligence companies - US


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